Twitch Latest in DDoS Attack

Last night everyone was having problems with especially when it came to watch your streams.  As of Right now is back up but they were apparently targeted by the “Lizard Squad” group. The Lizard Squad group has been targeting, the PlayStation Network and Riot’s League of Legends.  It would be no surprise if they were involved in the recent downed Charter Internet.

Above you can see they take credit for taking down twitter, whether this is a stunt to get more followers, or because of was bought out by Amazon.  I am unsure, however the downtime doesn’t hurt the bigger streamers as much as the smaller streamers who may depend on this as a source of income as they are gaming for their viewers.  Right after the attack LizardSquad posted this on their twitter.

At this point something needs to be done, if they didn’t have the Followers would this stuff fly?  Will this make companies step up to protect better against DDoS attacks, I sure hope so. Remember if you like this article share, tweet and leave us a comment at the bottom of the page!

*Edit – When this was originally posted, LizardSquad was active since then they have been banned from Twitter it seems.

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About Kenneth Schuetz

Rane is the Co-Founder of MstSage Entertainment. He started MstSage Entertainment in 2005 along with Rek MstSage while they were in high school. In 2007 the site went on a short hiatus while Rane was in the Army. He now enjoys writing articles, playing games, and streaming. You can follow him @RaneMstSage on Twitter.

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